Corporate Information

Top Message

Constant Product Development: To respond to customers' expectations

A message to everyone from Representative Director, President and CEO Masahiro Kawase.

Since KAYABA’s establishment, we have overcome many challenges on the road to today. We are reminded of the significant history that our predecessors built, and moreover feel overwhelmed by gratitude toward the customers who buy and sell our products, the business partners who stock our components and materials, and the shareholders who grow together with us. Thank you to all those involved in our business for their support.

FY2024 is the second year of our 2023 Medium-Term Management Plan, during which we are aiming for further progress under our mid-term slogan of “Mastering quality management.” We are working to raise the quality of our work through increasing the quality of our human capital and information. In turn, that will raise the quality of our products and services, through which we will earn further trust and deliver greater satisfaction to all stakeholders. And with a focus on the future, we will create and execute a growth strategy for entering new markets and businesses, build pioneering manufacturing craftsmanship using technologies such as IoT and DX, and achieve growth and raise corporate value with the combined strength of the entire KAYABA Group.

Representative Director President and CEO
Masahiro Kawase
